VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Do some more writing but focus on not making Chinese sentences. If you think it’s Chinese, ask yourself “how do i say that in a simple English way?”. Use this to help:

[ Main Idea + Details ] ___CONJUNCTION___ [ Main Idea + Details ]

[ I come to Smart English + to study English + with Jesse ]__BECAUSE __[ I think English is important + for me + to improve myself. ]

Writing exercise

What’s the human’s faith? Believes God or Allah is one of human’s faith, that means religion. In western countries, most of people are Christian, they believe Jesus as their belief. When they happened some terrible things in their lives, they would believe that God or Jesus as a guide to figure out a right way to continue. In eastern countries, buddhism is more popular, especially at around 40-70 years old people. They believe Buddha who can protect everything and everyone. In China, every temple is very welcome, the believers go down on their knees and worship the Buddha. But beside these, in the world, it’s still have a lot of people are atheists. When these atheists failed down their lives, how can they stand up again and believe life is beautiful? They should own a strong heart and sprit.

What is faith? Believing in God or Allah is one of humanity’s faiths, which means religion. In western countries, most people are Christian, they believe in Jesus / god. When some terrible things happen in their lives / they experience some terrible things in their lives, they would believe that God or Jesus is a guide to figure out the right way to continue. In eastern countries, buddhism is more popular, especially among people that are around 40-70 years old / among 40-70 year olds. They believe in Buddha who can protect everything and everyone. In China, every temple is very welcoming, and the believers kneel and worship the Buddha. But beside this, in the world, there are a lot of people who are atheists. When these atheists failed in their lives, how can they stand up again and believe life is beautiful? They should have a strong heart and spirit.


eg. his music is really healing for people in relationships

deepen – to make deeper
eg. I want to deepen my understanding of English

initiative – to be active
eg. I always take initiative in my job

we will sit down and go through it 

we can plan a period of time from when to when.

shares / stock – gu piao
eg. I own 100 shares in the company

a growing company / up and coming company – potential for growth

upcoming – it will happen in the future
eg. an upcoming course that SE will have in 2 months is the group classes


it’s not very big than Alibaba – it’s not as big as Alibaba

this is the same as that

than – compares more or less
as – same / not same

he wants me to be responsible for this department

they cooperated on a song

it’s boring because it makes me bored 
it’s welcoming because it makes me feel welcome 

most people
most of the people in China
most of the time

most of time = billions of years
most of the time = recently / in your life

subject at start
believe in you
Believing in you is hard.


brain – bray n
bran – brann