VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


How are you? / How’s it going? / How’s everything? / How have you been? 

10 – great
8 – really good
6 – pretty good / quite good
5 – good 
4 – not bad 
3 – fine / so so
2 – not great / not very good

and you? / you? / how about you? / what about you? 

buffet – lots of food laid out that you can choose from “buffay
eg. I went to a hotel and they had a breakfast buffet

banquet – a big expensive meal at an event

economics = study / subject
economy = the system of money

barrel – a big container for storing liquid.

container – sth that holds sth inside of it.

live streaming – to make a video that people can watch online live / at that moment
I live here = v
I am live = adj


It’s hard to write using your left hand
It’s hard to write if you use your left hand

During class I learn English.

On the weekend
In January
On Christmas day
During Christmas
During CNY
On new years day
On my birthday
During class
In the morning


Connecting words

元音 connect to 辅音
Vowel connect to Consonant
I like it = I lie kit

元音 connect to 元音
Vowel connect to Vowel + y / w
Me and you = me yand you
Blue and green = bloo wand green
Who are you = hoo waar you

Writing exercise

George said I can write something about the international crude oil, so I checked online, but I still can’t understand the details of oil. It’s a hard work to write a piece of oil use the word that I had learned from last two classes. I just try to write something about I have checked online.
When I checked online, I know the price of oil affect the economy of the world, and it also related our life and global economic situation. Many people also invest OilFut, this is a financial issue. I have no idea about this. But recently, I realized economy is very important, it related our life’s quality. I bought a lot of books if this part, but I don’t have time to read it. When the Chinese New Year holiday, I will read them.

George said I can write something about the international crude oil, so I checked / looked it up online, but I still can’t understand the details of oil. It’s hard work to write a piece on oil using the words that I had learned from the last two classes. I just tried to write something about what I have checked online.
When I checked online, I found out the price of oil affects the economy of the world, and it also is related to our lives and the global economic situation. Many people also invest in OilFut, this is a financial issue. I have no idea about this. But recently, I realized economics is very important, because it is related to our life’s quality. I bought a lot of books about this, but I don’t have time to read them. During the Chinese New Year holiday, I will read them.