VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Do some writing using some of the words from the last few classes that you don’t think you can remember – focus on getting nouns and adjectives right.

Writing exercise

In my opinion, I think that living a good life is to have a healthy body, have a job that you like and have families and friends who accompany you.
Old words said that “your health is your lifeâ€, which means that you could do nothing without a healthy body and you even have to pay more time and money on your health and then lose the interesting of life. So I deeply believe that having a healthy body is the basic requirement to have a good life.
But just having a healthy body is not enough to allow you to choose what life you want, you have to work to earn much money and get more life experience to support your daily life and make you strength enough to choose what you want. However, work is boring for most of people, if you could have a job which you are very interested in, you would be glad to spend more time on it and think a lot on how to make it better, and then you will find a different meaning of it, but not boring, that would be the most wonderful thing for me.
If healthy body is the basic factor for living, a job you like is the best way you use to get more meaningful life, family and friends are the strongest supports of you to give your brave when you are in trouble, share your joy and sadness, bring you warmth when you feel lonely, which will make you enjoy a better life.

In my opinion, I think that living a good life is to have a healthy body, have a job that you like and have family and friends who accompany you / spend time with you / be with you / be around you.
There is an old saying which goes like / which is “your health is your lifeâ€, which means that you couldn’t / can’t do anything without a healthy body and you even have to spend more time and money on your health and then lose the passion for life. So I deeply believe that having a healthy body is the basic requirement to having a good life.
But just having a healthy body is not enough to allow you to choose what life you want, you have to work to earn a lot of money and get more life experience to support your daily life and make you strong enough to choose what you want. However, work is boring for most people, if you could have a job which you are very interested in, you would be glad to spend more time on it and think a lot on how to make it better, and then you will find a different meaning of it and not be bored. That would be the most wonderful thing for me.
If a healthy body is the basic factor for living, a job you like is the best way you can use to get a more meaningful life. Family and friends are your strongest supports to give you courage when you are in trouble, share your joy and sadness, bring you warmth when you feel lonely, which will make you enjoy a better life.


i don’t know what I will miss for Shanghaimiss about Shanghai 


while you drive you need to look at / watch the GPS

most things = more than all other
eg. most people are happy

most of the people in China are happy / the biggest part of the people in China

saying / expression 

Good health is a crown that only the sick can see.
you are what you eat

capricorn – your star sign – you like corn!