VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Writing exercise

I like to binge watch TV shows, so I have watched three seasons of Suits by the recent week. It talks about series of stories that happens in a law firm. Mike is one of the characters, he was a drug dealer and escaped from the sting settled by the policeman and rushed into an interview held by Harvey who is another character. Mike is astute with perfect memory and passed the bar exam, although he told Harvey the truth and he did not have the qualification of being a lawyer, Harvey still decided to hire him and help him to hide truth. Louis is the rival of Harvey and he is very suspicious and always step out of line, when he found Harvey got a promotion and hired a new lawyer of his own, he felt very angry and unfair and tried to get Mike in trouble. After Harvey threatened him, he was reluctant to accept the fact and Mike.

I like to binge watch TV shows, so I have watched three seasons of Suits in recent weeks. It talks about a series of stories that happen in a law firm. Mike is one of the characters, who was a drug dealer and escaped from a sting set up / organised / planned by the police and rushed into an interview held by Harvey who is another character. Mike is astute with a perfect memory and passed the bar exam, although he told Harvey the truth (about why he was in the interview / that he was a drug dealer) and that he did not have the qualification of being a lawyer. Harvey still decided to hire him and help him to hide the truth. Louis is the rival of Harvey and he is very suspicious and always steps out of line. When he found Harvey got a promotion and hired a new lawyer of his own, he felt very angry and that it was unfair and tried to get Mike in trouble. After Harvey threatened him, he reluctantly accepted the fact and Mike as Harvey’s new lawyer.


as of = so far (now)
eg. As of last Sunday, I had watched 5 seasons.

I was very angry and felt that it was unfair

company housing

daily necessities – things you need to use every day for life

send – you don’t go with it / make sb else go with it
deliver – you take it and put it at the arrival place

pregnant / she will have a baby

I have a baby / I have kids 

routine check – regular
eg. she will have a routine check every month or so

she’s even thinner now than she was before


I accompanied her to the hospital to do the check up / for the check up

we hadn’t meet for a long time – we hadn’t met for a long time