VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

In season three, Watson plans to marry a girl named Mary and he invites Sherlock as his best man. When Watson ask him “could you be my best man?†There’s only silence in the room. Sherlock says nothing, but Watson has supposed the answer is yes. Sherlock takes this job with nervous, because he hasn’t experience in it and he is socially unaware. To be a qualified best man, Sherlock surveys the wedding’s usher and he finds the guy who is Mary’s ex-boyfriend always respond Mary’s tweets within five minutes regardless of time or situation. The guy denies that he still has feeling with Mary at first, but after Sherlock’s analysis, he admits finally, and then he promises to treat Mary as a friend in the future.

In season three, Watson plans to marry a girl named Mary and he invites Sherlock to come to his wedding as his best man / invites Sherlock to be his best man. When Watson asks him “could you be my best man?†There’s only silence in the room. Sherlock says nothing, but Watson has already supposed the answer is yes. Sherlock takes this job with nervousness / hesitation, because he doesn’t have experience in it / he hasn’t experienced it and he is socially unaware which means he has never attended any kind of social situation before so he has no idea what to do. To / In order to be a qualified best man, Sherlock surveys the wedding’s usher (because he believes this is the best way to become a qualified best man) and he finds that the guy, who is Mary’s ex-boyfriend, always responds to Mary’s tweets within five minutes regardless of the time or situation. The guy denies that he still has feelings for Mary at first, but after Sherlock’s analysis, he admits it finally, and then he promises to treat Mary as a friend in the future.


to have feelings for sb – to be in love / to “like” like sb

specificity (n)

socialise (v) – to be social / to talk to people you don’t know

happy – happiness
nervous – nervousness 

high tech – high technology

eye catching – sth that you notice very easily because it looks nice
eg. you have a very eye catching iPhone case

subjective (opinion) / objective (fact)
eg. our taste in fashion is subjective! there’s no right or wrong


i can catch her emotion she shows her emotion / I can read her 

i have interviewed 1 companyi have interviewed at 1 company / i have had 1 interview at a company

they want to look for sb whothey want to find sb who…

in the same time – at the same time

she resigned her job – she resigned from her jobÂ