VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Next Class Focus

Discuss part of a Sherlock episode – try to use vocabulary that you’ve learned recently.

Writing exercise

After meeting with each other in the lab office, Sherlock and Watson became roommates and friends. Sherlock is a talent detective, so friendship isn’t important to him. Why Sherlock chose Watson first is because he appreciated the doctor and solider’s experience of Watson, and considered he would be a good detective partner, but Sherlock never treat him as a real friend at the beginning of the story until they experienced a lot of cases. In the next stories, no matter what happened, Watson always trust him, follow him, support him replace of any doubting, that’s why Watson could be one of the most important person in Sherlock’s story as well.

After meeting with each other in the lab office, Sherlock and Watson became roommates and friends. Sherlock is a talented detective, so friendship isn’t important to him. Why Sherlock chose Watson first is because he appreciated the doctor and solider / medical and military experience that Watson has / experience of Watson, and considered he would be a good detective partner, but Sherlock never treats him as a real friend at the beginning of the story until they have experienced a lot of cases. In the following / future / coming stories, no matter what happened, Watson always trusts him, follows him, supports him in place of any doubt, which is why Watson could be one of the most important people in Sherlock’s story as well.


I thought a lot about that = an obvious thing you just said
I thought a lot about you = you
I thought a lot about what you said = “that thing” is the thing you said
I thought a lot about it = obvious thing

neither do I / I don’t either 
So do I / I do too 

the next one
the following / coming things 

I have a pen that you bought me. – you’re telling me it’s THIS pen.
I have a pen which you bought me. – sounds like new information

the favourite episode I like = My favourite episode is…
the wife I have is Judy = My wife is Judy 


heterosexual (adj)

his expression / the way he says it 
his method / the way he does it
his route / the way he goes there 

I don’t have any coffee today so I will have some tea in place of it / in it’s place.
I can’t go to Australia this year so I will go to Japan instead 

people who are his rivals / competitors 

observant – to be able to see and judge things very easily
eg. Sherlock is very observant and will notice things before anyone else / that other people will never find

socially unaware
eg. Sherlock is socially unaware and will say things that are totally inappropriate / unsuitable for the situation

undertone – a feeling underneath the surface of sth
eg. some British jokes have a serious undertone
eg2. some of the jokes in Sherlock have homosexual undertones


homoerotic (adj) – “hoe moe eee roh tick” 

episode – ep pis soed