VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

My chauffeur took me to the rendezvous point where I got déjà vu when I arrived. It was a chic place that I guessed I had been there before.

My chauffeur took me to the rendezvous point where I got déjà vu when I arrived. It was a chic place that I guessed I had been to before / where I have been before. 


acquaint yourself with sth
eg. I need to acquaint myself with Tianjin during my first week there

annoyance (n) annoy

pick up < > drop off
eg. I will pick you up later after I drop off some things at home

eavesdrop – to secretly listen to a conversation
eg. please don’t eavesdrop, this is a private conversation

perfect memory / photographic memory 

encyclopedia – a book of knowledge

drive – passion / motivation
eg. he has the drive to become a great lawyer

promoted < > demoted – go up a level in a company < > go down a level

disbar – to stop you being able to be a lawyer

step out of line / that is out of line – to do sth wrong

ethics / ethical – doing the right thing
eg. I am a very ethical person

board – a board of directors / an ethics board
eg. I went to the board to complain about my boss’ actions

paper – A4
tissue – for your face

pro bono – free case

reluctant – unwilling / not wanting to do sth
eg. I was reluctant but I said yes / I hesitated because I was reluctant.

harassment – to do sth to make sb feel uncomfortable (unethical)

rival / arch-enemy – 1v1 – best vs worst

suspicious – to think sth is wrong but not be sure
eg. I was suspicious because he seemed like a bad person