VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Writing exercise

There is a growing trend that youngsters tend to have a one-year break while being graduated from high school nowadays. Generally, students would choose to be employed in doing a part-time job or arrange a trip with some old friends in such period of time.
Some people argue that being one year off could be to the detriment of those young people who are still in the age of lacking self-descipline and unawareness of the future. The year between finishing high school and starting university studies , often referred to as the “bridge year”, is rather critical and meaningful for high school graduates. It is the time that teenagers come to realize who they really are and what they really want from physiological perspective, thereby keeping in touch with the society. Consequently, they are prone to be influenced negatively by outer world which is fulfilled with diverse sorts of behaviors and phenomenon.
Conversely, l am of the opinion that no matter to travel or work, it is of great essence and benefit for graduates to get one-year off. The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from high school to university is rather restricted in terms of common knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who earn their own living or travelling to other places are supposed and expected to have a boarder view of life and deeper learning of themselves. Qualities as independence, confidence and skills like communication, response could be gained from such experience which are likely to give them advantage in terms of coping with challenges and difficulties in life.
Conclusively, whether to take a break after graduating from high school rests on one’s determination to have a better insight of their life or going straight to university studies., of which answer is certainly the former.

There is a growing trend that youngsters tend to have a one-year break while being graduated from high school nowadays. Generally, students would choose to be employed in doing a part-time job or arrange a trip with some old friends in such a period of time.
Some people argue that having one year off could be to the detriment of those young people who are still at the age of lacking self-discipline and unawareness of the future. The year between finishing high school and starting university studies , often referred to as the “bridge year”, is rather critical and meaningful for high school graduates. It is the time that teenagers come to realize who they really are and what they really want from physiological perspective, thereby keeping in touch with the society. Consequently, they are prone to be influenced negatively by the outer world which is fulfilled with diverse sorts / a diversity of behaviors and phenomena.
Conversely, l am of the opinion that no matter to travel or work, graduates getting one-year off is beneficial and to be honest is of the essence. The reasons for this trend may involve the recognition that a young adult who passes directly from high school to university is rather restricted in terms of common knowledge and experience of the world. By contrast, those who earn their own living or travel to other places are supposed and expected to have a boarder view of life and deeper learning of themselves. Qualities as independence, confidence and skills like communication and wit could be gained from such experience which are likely to give them an advantage in terms of coping with challenges and difficulties in life.
Whether to take a break after graduating from high school rests on one’s determination to have a better insight of their life or go straight into their university studies, of which I feel we could conclude that the answer is certainly the former.

I have a day off tomorrow / I will take a year off 

detrimental to 

a lot of noise / a significant amount of noise / considerable noise 

Speaking exercise

Do you like traveling by car
I think it depends on where I go, for example…. travel to remote place… convenient to travel by car since fastest.

Absolutely not, I prefer riding rather than by car cause flexible to travel, in addition, environmentally friendly

it rests of the distance, for instance, if just nearby or for example if I travel to jiang su which is just near shanghai i would travel by underground because nowadays it’s advanced which has already connected to jiangsu, so among all it’s the fastest way.

When was the last time you traveled by car
from what I know, journey to zhejiang, remember that was time for our family to go outside to relax as a family reunion. we get there on a car, which is lent by a friend, the car is quite comfortable which we enjoy a lot during the 2 hour trip.

one of the things that I remember from the trip was that…