VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use today and the last 3 classes of vocabulary in some writing. Try to make sentences with at least 3 ideas in each one.


suction cup – a cup that sucks

placebo effect – xin li zuo you

child abuse – to illegally hurt a child
domestic abuse – abuse at home / in the family

got her arrested

sweltering – very hot and humid feeling
eg. I’m sweltering


said / red / bed / better
sad / rad / bad / batter
sayd / raid / bayd / bayter

sometimes – sum tiiieeemzz

interesting – IN tres ting

negotiation – neg oh she ay shen

alternative – “al ter na tiv”

Writing exercise

My boss had a talk with me yesterday about my contract renewal since my contract will be expire after Sep. I expressed my thoughts about the new contract terms and I want to get the promotion and salary increase. But I am not sure if the company will agree the conditions. So I need to start to prepare the 2nd option and it means I need find the other job as an alternative. I have worked about five years but sometimes I am still confused about my career. It is hard to find a job/company which will be loyal to each other.

My boss had a talk with me yesterday about my contract renewal since my contract will expire after Sept. I expressed my thoughts about the new contract terms and I want to get a promotion and salary increase / raise but I am not sure if the company will agree to the conditions. So I need to start to prepare a plan B and it means I need find another job as an alternative. I have worked for about five years but sometimes I am still confused about my career. It is hard to find a job/company which will be loyal to me and where I will feel at home.


different with sth – different from / to 

agree to / agree with 
I agreed to that / with that 
I agreed to help you
I agreed with your idea