VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


not too shabby / what’s cracking?

went through the education system

deception / deceive – lie / trick

luckily / fortunately

depends (v) / depended (v) / dependent (adj)

bring forward < > push back


she was sucks – she sucks

i didn’t meet her yeti haven’t met her yet 


realistic – real LIS tick 

Writing exercise

Hi Helen,

Actually I already had a long discussion with Juyoug last week. Of course we are strongly willing to open Hannam store ASAP, but it’s more depended on the GC part.
Below is my comment for Curie’s schedule.

1, The site marking inspection can try to be done on 10th Sep, but before it, Samsung / GC should submit their setting out plan and get C2’s comment first.
Usually the site marking plan is not able to be confirmed by one time, but depends on the site condition. Then it takes time to be improved for my 2nd inspection and update the site layout for C2’s approval.
Thus, it’s impossible to start the construction work in the next day of the setting out inspection.

2, It’s impossible to do the interim inspection on 4th Oct. There are only 18 days for all concealing work, which is really hard to be achieved.
For example, it takes at least around 2 weeks for all the concealing work in Galleria, which is one floor only.
But there are 3 floors in Hannam, of course GC could work on 3 floors together, but it should take longer time, around 4 weeks after the confirmation of SOP by C2.
And also, please be advised that from 1st to 7th Oct. are the Chinese National holidays. The earliest time I could come over for inspection is 9th Oct.

3, The furniture installation time is only 7 days, which is too short.
It takes at least 10 days, as per feedback from Dform. I already discussed this with Juyoung last week.

4, The final inspection (including touch up) is only 2 days, which is way too short.
For example, it took 4 days for Lotte store by Eos&d, who is quite familiar to our quality standard.
And for Hannam, it’s a new GC, who has no idea about our quality standard.
That’s why I already informed Juyoung that, it should take one week at least.

Regarding the separated submission procedure for the construction drawings, @Lisa Jungschlager could you please advise your comment?

As my understanding, it’s not wise to start the site construction without C2’s confirmation. If any changing, some finished parts must be started over and the whole schedule will be pulled back.
But please be advised that, the GC already spent a month to study and revise the construction drawings. And till now, it is not ready to be submitted yet. It’s really hard to foresee that they could get approval from C2 within the schedule.
Moreover, the GC samples haven’t been fully approved yet.

Thanks, Junhong

Hi Helen,

Actually I already had a long discussion with Juyoug last week. Of course we are really keen to open Hannam store ASAP, but unfortunately it’s more dependent on the GC part.
Below is my comment on Curie’s schedule.

1, The site marking inspection may be able to be done / could possibly be done on 10th Sep, but before that, Samsung / GC should submit their setting out plan and get C2’s comment first.
Usually the site marking plan is not able to be confirmed in one time, but depends on the site condition. Then it takes time to be improved for my 2nd inspection and update the site layout for C2’s approval.
Therefore / As a result / So it is my opinion that/ … which means that, it’s impossible to start the construction work the next day after the setting out inspection.

2, It’s impossible to do the interim inspection on 4th Oct as there are only 18 days for all concealing work, which is really hard to be achieved.
For example / instance, it takes at least around 2 weeks for all the concealing work in Galleria, which is one floor only.
But there are 3 floors in Hannam, and of course GC could work on 3 floors together but it should take longer, around 4 weeks after the confirmation of SOP by C2.
Also, please be advised that from 1st to 7th Oct are the Chinese National holidays. The earliest I could come over for inspection is 9th Oct.

3, The furniture installation time is only 7 days, which is too short.
It takes at least 10 days, as per feedback from Dform (which I have already discussed with…). I already discussed this with Juyoung last week.

4, The final inspection (including touch up) is only 2 days, which is way too short.
For example, it took 4 days for Lotte store by Eos&d, who is quite familiar with our quality standard.
And for Hannam, it’s a new GC, who has no idea about our quality standard.
That’s why I already informed Juyoung that it should take one week at least.

Regarding the separated submission procedure for the construction drawings, @Lisa Jungschlager could you please add / give your comments?

As per / based on my understanding, it’s not wise to start the site construction without C2’s confirmation. If there are any changes, some finished parts must be started over and the whole schedule will be pushed back.
But please be advised that, the GC already spent a month to study and revise the construction drawings and till now / so far / as of now, it is not ready to be submitted. It’s really hard to foresee that they could get approval from C2 within the schedule.
Moreover, the GC samples haven’t been fully approved yet.

Thanks, Junhong