VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


remember this in your next writing:

I go to a cafe for coffee in the morning with my friend BECAUSE my friend is happy with her job in 2018 

Writing exercise

I was really easy to get mad resently , so I began to think about the way we get along with bad emotion.
One of my colleagues she always shows ‘I am not happy’ on her face.

It is really easy for me to get mad recently, so I began to think about the way we handle / manage / deal with with bad emotion.
One of my colleagues always shows ‘I am not happy’ on her face.


resent – to send again
recently – soon in the past

make fun of him / pay him out 

how so? / in what way? = explain more

probation period – the first 3 months of a job

indecisive – hard to make decisions < > decisive 

i’m organising people / i’m getting people together

the cost of the travel – the cost of the trip

persuade – to make sth believe sth / do what you want
eg. I want to persuade my dad to go with me

on the one hand…. on the other hand 

in thingfashionable things / things that are in 

I try to avoid people like that


he’s higher 2 levels than me – he’s 2 levels higher than me 

she is not haveshe doesn’t have much experience 

different with her different to her 

i don’t want other people can see – i don’t want other people to be able to see my emotion