VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

After had been thinking for a half year, finally, I bought a training course of private coach for myself last Sunday. It was a private gym, not very big, but full of different kinds of training instruments with different sizes. It was a significant decision for me since I had tried to get some exercise several years ago but at last I gave up. For this time, I believe it was different. Before I made the decision, I asked myself three questions: Did I need to do exercise to strengthen my body? Could I persevere? What kind of course was suitable for me? As I was too easy to get hurt and I would be very uncomfortable all over after a day’s work, it was obvious that sports were definitely necessary for me. For the second question, I thought the main reason why I gave up so easily the last time was that I didn’t have a specific goal for my own but just followed my friend which impacted my attitude on the exercise and I couldn’t find any fun of it. But now, I have known what I want to get from the training and I do have confidence and patience to persist. Then, or the last question and also was the most difficult one, I had searched swimming, yoga and private coach on website, and a half year past, I chose the private coach as the final answer becasue my body was too thin to do some big loading exercise like swimming, and I had tried yoga before and hurt my waist. So I thought the best way for me was to get the private coach’s support and guiding, then I might make an improvement under the correct teaching.

After having thought about it for a half year, finally, I bought a personal training course for myself last Sunday. It was a private gym, not very big, but full of different kinds of training equipment with different sizes. It was a significant decision for me since I had tried to get some exercise several years ago but at last I gave up. For this time, I believe it was different. Before I made the decision, I asked myself three questions: Did I need to do exercise to strengthen my body? Could I persevere? What kind of course was suitable for me? As it was too easy for me to get hurt and I would be very uncomfortable all over after a day’s work, it was obvious that sports were definitely necessary for me. For the second question, I thought the main reason why I gave up so easily the last time was that I didn’t have a specific goal for myself but just followed my friend which impacted my attitude on the exercise and I couldn’t find any fun in it. But now, I have learned / I know what I want to get from the training and I do have confidence and patience to persist. Then, for the last question and also being the most difficult one, I had searched for swimming, yoga and private coaching online and half a year passed before I chose the private coach as the final answer because my body was too thin to do some big loading exercise like swimming, and I had tried yoga before and hurt my waist. So I thought the best way for me was to get the private coach’s support and guidance, then I might make an improvement under the correct teaching.


on the other side of the road 
opposite ____ (place)
eg. SE is opposite jingan temple

zebra crossing – ban ma xian

when we were just about to cross the road

slim (a little positive) / thin (not so positive)

eg. i want to look fit – have a nice body
eg2. i want to be fit – healthy

toned – to have some muscle and little fat
eg. i want to be a little toned

pass / passed (past) 

i pass the coffee to you
i passed it to you

i walked past the shop

you need to think of past tense

i searched my bag for my phone
i searched for my phone

i looked it up online 
eg. I looked up swimming coaches online


specific – speh SIF fick 

uncomfortable – un cumf table 

fields – fee lll dzzz
feels – feelz

Korea – kor ree ya 

career – ka reer