VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

I don’t like someone sell something to me if it isn’t I need, but I find I’m easy to be persuade by the salesman, especially when I’m in beauty parlor. I have been to a lot of beauty parlors and spend much money. Sometimes, after I pay that money, I feel regret, because I think that isn’t worthful and I just have a hot head.

I don’t like someone selling something to me if it isn’t what I need, but I find I’m easy to be persuaded by the salesman, especially when I’m in beauty parlors. I have been to a lot of beauty parlors and spent a lot of money. Sometimes, after I pay that money, I regret it, because I think that it isn’t worth it and I bought it on impulse.


i am worthy of your respect
iphones are worth a few thousand RMB

impulse buy – to buy sth without really thinking

what = “the thing”

sound – anything you can hear

voice – speaking from a person

portable speaker

high frequency 

confident – zi xin

hang up
eg. he hung up the phone really quickly


an apple
a car

run – uuu
roun- aaaoooo
roen – uuuooo
