VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


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Speaking exercise

paths of the soul is a movie about Tibetan pilgrim took for hundreds of miles to a temple. Lima just been through the funeral of his father passing away. his father had a only wish which go to a pilgramige to lasa. Lima’s uncle decided to go to the lasa after he saw the remains of his father.

2014 is zodiac of the horse accordingly is the year of the holy mountain, due to this reasons which many village want to join lima to go to pilgrimage to lasa.

a young pregnant lady who’s baby will be born in the year of the horse, also her husband’s zodiac is horse too. they think this is such a blessing time so they decide to join pilgrimage group.

Paths of the soul is a movie about Tibetan pilgrims who took a year to travel hundreds of miles on foot to a temple. Lima had just been through the funeral of his father. his father had only 1 wish which was to go on a pilgrimage to lasa. Lima’s uncle decided to go to lasa after he saw the remains of his father.

2014 is the zodiac of the horse and incidentally it is also the year of the holy mountain, due to these reasons many villages want to join lima to go on the pilgrimage to lasa.

There is a young pregnant lady, who’s baby will be born in the year of the horse, and whose husband’s zodiac is horse too. they think this is such a sign of blessing so they decide to join the pilgrimage.

There is a man who works in a slaughterhouse who has been killing a lot of animals and feels he has a lot of sin and that’s the reason he drinks a lot (of apple juice) to numb himself so he decides during this pilgrimage to purify his sin.



year of the horse is a zodiac year

which = it
who = he / she / they

go on a trip