VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


inflammation – fa yan

swollen – part of your body is bigger than normal
eg. my foot is swollen

pressure – sth that pushes you
eg. i have a lot of pressure in my life but i deal with it by doing yoga

stress – a negative reaction to pressure
eg. i have a lot of stress in my life
eg2. running a marathon stresses your knees and feet

during the week – monday to friday

body clock – the time that your body is used to doing things (ie. waking up and going to sleep)
eg. everyone has a different body clock

while = during doing sth / during a time
eg. while I’m at work, I am a bit unhappy.
eg2. while I have class, my daughter is waiting outside.

benchmark – the average expected level
eg. 6 mins is the benchmark for running 1km

autopilot – to feel like your body is moving automatically
eg. after 10km you go into autopilot

eg. he founded the marathon and then died


favourite – fay vrit

ten – teehhn

excited – ecks seye ted 

usually – you zha lee 

Writing exercise

Talk about something you like to do to relax? Why do you like it?
I would like to do some sports to relax especially when I am under high pressure or I am in a bad mood. It is the best way for me to release and free myself.
Running is my favorite. I usually run three or four times a week and 5km of each time. If I am in a good status and with enough time, I will run a long distance around 10km.
If you ask me why do you like running?
I think the first reason is that it can keep me healthy and keep me fit. During my high school, I was very fat because at that time I was always in high pressure to prepare for colleague entrance examination and had no time to do the exercise so I was in poor health. After graduation, I decided to lose weight and started to run.
The second one is that during the running time I can communicate with inside of myself and be fully immerse in my own world without any annoyances and troubles. It makes me relax myself. I also enjoy the feeling that I am going ahead and on the road.
The last one is that running makes me fulfilled and achieved that you can see the progress you made after you finished 5km, 10km, half marathon and full marathon.  I remembered the first time when I crossed the half marathon finish line the strong feeling came out that I could manage it and I was the best.
Keep running, Keep healthy.

Talk about something you like to do to relax? Why do you like it?
I like to do some / I’m really into / I’m a big fan of sports to relax especially when I am under high pressure or I am in a bad mood. It is the best / perfect / ideal way for me to release stress / let my problems go and free myself.
Running is my favorite and I usually run three or four times a week and 5km each time. If I am feeling good / I have a lot of energy and have enough time, I will run a long distance of around 10km.
If you ask me “why do you like running?”
I think the first reason is that it can keep me healthy and keep me fit. During my time at high school, I was very fat because at that time I was always under high pressure to prepare for college entrance examination and had no time to do exercise / work out so I was in poor health / I wasn’t very healthy. After graduation, I decided to lose weight and started to run.
The second one is that while running I can think to myself and be fully immersed in my own world without any annoyances or troubles. It makes me relaxed. I also enjoy the feeling that I am going ahead / moving forward and on the road.
The last one is that running makes me fulfilled and have a sense of achievement that you can see the progress you made after you finished 5km, 10km, a half marathon and a full marathon.  I remembered the first time when I crossed the half marathon finish line the strong feeling came out that I could manage it and I was the best.
Keep running, Keep healthy.