VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


2 stops away
eg. my house is 2 stops away.

i took a wrong turn

i realised the mistake 

horrible / disgusting – er xing

quality – zhi liang

central heating 

renovate – zhuang xiu

furnished (has everything) / unfurnished (empty)
eg. most places in Shanghai are furnished apartments

landlord – fang dong

kick you out = make you leave

it takes me time / it costs me money
i spend time / i spend money

timid < > tough

chew (bite for a long time)/ bite (yao)

homeless man / stray cat 

rescued him from the street

Writing exercise

In 2014 summer my family went to Singapore for our holidays. We stayed for five days in an island named Sentosa which is a famous vacationland in Singapore. On this island, there have universal studios, Sea Park, and a lot of hotels. I liked Sea Park rather than universal studios because the rides in universal studios are frightful to me. In Sea Park, we could play with dolphins in the dolphin pool and I think dolphin is a kind of beautiful and gentle animals. Their skins are so smooth and they would kiss your face when you feel them. I think it was a prefect holiday except a little expensive.

In summer 2014 my family went to Singapore for our holidays / on holiday. We stayed for five days on an island named Sentosa which is a famous holiday / travel destination in Singapore. On this island, there are universal studios, Sea Park, and a lot of hotels. I liked Sea Park rather than universal studios because the rides in universal studios are really scary / I am scared of the rides in….. In Sea Park, we could play with dolphins in the dolphin pool and I think dolphins are a kind of beautiful and gentle animal. Their skin is so smooth and they would kiss your face when you pat / pet them. I think it was a prefect holiday except a little expensive.

humans are animals

people are humans

Robyn is a human.