VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

This noon I wanted to buy a toast sweet potato to eat, but when I arrived the place I met a foreigner customer was arguing with the seller. I met he opened his hand and the seller took a coin from it and changed to one Yuan coin. Then I heard he said :“ you think I don’t know? Every time you ask for much than the value. “ The seller said nothing and the other customer said she wasn’t mean that. But he continued say something, then he said :” you think I’m a foreigner so I can’t understand? You can’t do a business like this. Your husband is better than you, and he never do this like you:” I found this situation then I decided don’t buy it. I walked to a fruit shop to buy a hunch of bananas, through this shop I still saw he was argued with the seller.
I guess he must be met this bad situation for many times so he couldn’t stand any more. As a consumer I can understand him.

This noon I wanted to buy a toasted sweet potato to eat, but when I arrived at the place I met a foreigner customer who was arguing with the seller. I saw he opened his hand and the seller took a coin from it and exchanged it for a one Yuan coin. Then I heard he said :“ you think I don’t know? Every time you ask for much more than the value. “ The seller said nothing and the other customer said “she didn’t mean that”. But he continued to say / he still said something, then he said :” you think I’m a foreigner so I can’t understand? You can’t do business like this. Your husband is better than you, and he never does this” I found this situation then I decided not to buy it. I walked to a fruit shop to buy a bunch of bananas, through this shop I saw he was still arguing with the seller.
I guess he must have met this bad situation many times so he couldn’t stand it any more. As a fellow customer I can understand him.


vacuum (cleaner) – xi chen qi

fixed salary – gu ding gong zi
eg. I get 10,000 RMB as a fixed salary

futuristic – feels like the future
eg. their vacuum system is futuristic

barber – just cut men / boys hair

efficient / efficiently (adv)

surgery / operation – shou shu
eg. I had surgery on my foot. The operation was only 1 hour.

surgeon – doctor that does surgery

fake money / counterfeit money

dodgy – not able to be trusted / tricky
eg. dodgy people do dodgy things

gold digger – sb who is in a relationship just for money

you rip me off – cheat me
eg. the foreigner thought he got ripped off by the woman

spine – the middle back bone

lumbar – your lower spine

come back to life – huo guo lai

flexible – easy to move
eg. I want to be more flexible so I can touch my toes

posture – ti xing
eg. my posture is getting better


time / times

I have lived in china for _______ (how much time / duo jiu)
I have been to china _____ times (a number of times / ji ci) 

I want to do it < > I do not want to do it
I wanted to do it < > I did not want to do it