VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]
Writing exercise
Time was passing so quickly which I didn’t really do anything in 2017. I found that a year was a short time to do something well,such as I prepared my trade business from this April,An order was still progressing and would delivering until February 2018. Fortunately I started to think of my job and my life at this year, I heard before that was ” The easy thing was not worth to do it “. I feel I am a lucky person for have an opportunity to readjust my life in my forties. So I will continuing to do everything whatever I am doing now. Because I trust I am running on the right way.
Time was passing so quickly that I didn’t really do anything in 2017. I found that a year was a short time to do something well, such as I started preparing my trade business from this April and an order was still progressing and will not be delivered until February 2018. Fortunately I started to think of my job and my life this year, I heard before (that) ” The easy thing was not worth to do it / nothing worth doing is ever easy“. I feel I am a lucky person for having / to have an opportunity to readjust my life in my forties. So I will continue / I’m going to continue / I am continuing to do whatever / what I am doing now because I trust I am going in the right direction / I’m on the right track / I’m on the right path.
prawn / shrimp – xia
i come here for learning / i come here to learn / i come here for English.
everything = all things
whatever = all things are ok
not compatible
eg. the computer I was using was not compatible with my phone
how many boyfriends did you have before you met my dad
we always clash because we had our own strong personalities
as we grew up, we realised.
to think of about more
I am satisfied with my past
It will not be delivered until Feb 2018
It will be delivered in Feb 2018
at a time
on a day / weekend
in a month / year / period of time
this day = today
this year = this year
no in / on / at
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