VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Next time: practice adding stuff at the start of sentences to connect them to the previous one.

Writing exercise

It was a normal day in 2100, nothing special at first. Most people nowadays didn’t need to work anymore, so there was only skeleton crew in the office. Me and my co-workers had to check the data of the mainframe computer to make sure everything was ok and all the robots in the city ran well. After a robot courier sent us a small parcel, something most unprecedented happened, much crazier than the hallucination in one’s mind after getting wired. When we opened the parcel, something floated out of the box. At first, we thought it was some kind of smoke. But seeing closely, we found that smoke were tons of tiny robot bees. They seemed docile and showed no response at our touch, but suddenly they all began to fly furiously like they were hive-minds. We ran for some place to hide in panic when these bees attacked us, but there were no safe places. We managed to flee out of the building through a secret tunnel not marked on the construction drawing by using a mannequin as a decoy. The usual suspect of this attack was the frame computer, we thought it was not so pleased to work day and night and therefore decided to give us a warn. In the wake of the attack, we built a new AI computer so the previous one could get some rest some time. And nothing horrible happened after that.

It was a normal day in 2100… nothing special at first. Most people nowadays don’t need to work anymore, so there was only skeleton crew in the office. Me and my co-workers had to check the data of the mainframe computer to make sure everything was ok and all the robots in the city were running well. After a robot courier sent us a small parcel, something most unprecedented happened, much crazier than the hallucination in one’s mind after getting wired. When we opened the parcel, something floated out of the box. At first, we thought it was some kind of smoke but looking closely, we found that the smoke was tons of tiny robot bees. They seemed docile and showed no response to our touch, but suddenly they all began to fly furiously like they were part of a hive-mind. We ran for some place to hide (for cover) in panic when these bees attacked us, but there were no safe places. We managed to flee out of the building through a secret tunnel not marked on the construction drawing by using a mannequin as a decoy. The usual suspect of this attack was the frame computer, we thought it was not so pleased to work day and night and therefore decided to give us a warning. In the wake of the attack, we built a new AI computer so the previous one could get some rest sometimes. And nothing horrible happened after that.

they show no response to touch


the class before last / the one before that 

guru – spiritual mentor

confetti – party glitter that falls from above

pass the parcel

mess up / screw up / made a mistake / f’d up

eg. we each get an allocation of annual leave every year

These looks you got going on kind of get in the way.

erotic – related to sex

no slots left / no room / positions available

from here:

There's just no slots left for an above average singer.

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