VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Sally is a beautiful mixed girl, who is sought after by tons of boys. She is extroverted and always the centre of people. Sam, whose biggest hobby is to work on algorithm, on the other hand, is introverted. Sally and Sam knew each other since childhood, but there was always an undercurrent of antipathy between them. Sally thought Sam was introverted and wired, while Sam told others Sally was superficial and too girly. How exactly they became a couple is really a mystery.

Sally is a beautiful mixed girl, who is sought after by tons of boys. She is extroverted and is always the center of attention / always the leader of her group / always the life of the party. Sam, whose biggest hobby is to work on algorithms, on the other hand, is introverted. Sally and Sam have known each other since childhood, but there was always an undercurrent of antipathy between them. Sally thought Sam was introverted and weird, while Sam told others Sally was superficial and too girly. How exactly they became a couple is really / really is a mystery.


wired = too much coffee makes you feel like this

i don’t know how it goes 

it goes like “……………”

courier – kuai di yuan / gong si

usual suspects – the people that you would expect to be doing sth

squawk – a loud sound from a bird

hive-mind – like a beehive mentality

in the wake of …. – as a result of / in the aftermath (the resulting destruction)

decoy – sth to distract attention to allow for sth else
eg. they threw the grenade as a decoy

mannequin – a life-sized doll used to display clothing etc

docile – easy to control

timid – nervous acting

unprecedented = amazing bcs never happened before
eg. we have had unprecedented weather recently

skeleton crew – the minimum required staff / crew
eg. it will be skeleton staff over the weekend