VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


practice smooth speaking reading at home – remember GO SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Writing exercise

Yesterday I had an English group class but I feel bad. There were 5 students in this class included me, and in the beginning we introduced ourselves. I said I have been learning English here for 2 years, and after they introduced themselves, so I knew I was the oldest student in their, but I felt I was the worst one. I didn’t know many words but they knew. Two of them were so exocentric and I was too shy, because I was an endocentric people. I guess as a teacher would not like my character, because I’m not good at interaction and especially when I face a lot of people.
Even this class made me feel bad but I knew I couldn’t quit, and I still tell myself that everybody’s base is different, and I couldn’t compare with others I should compare with myself.

Yesterday I had an English group class but I felt bad. There were 5 students in this class including me, and in the beginning we introduced ourselves. I said I have been learning English here for 2 years, and after they introduced themselves, I knew I was the oldest student out of everyone there, but I felt I was the worst one. I didn’t know many words but they did. Two of them were so extroverted and I was too shy, because I am an introverted person. I guess teachers would not like my character / personality, because I’m not good at interaction and especially when I face a lot of people.
Even this class made me feel bad, I knew I couldn’t quit, and I still tell myself that everybody’s base is different, and I couldn’t compare myself with / to others I should just focus on myself.

as a teacher i wouldn’t like students like me – this mean you are a teacher

in fact – actually 

over the top – kua zhang

pronunciation – “pra nun see ay shen”

out of all my students, you are the best

friend – “frend

cocky – someone who is too confident and thinks they’re so good