VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Today friend of mine asked me the question about the Handstand pose that reminds me of the process of practicing.
Before I was impatient and trying so hard to find the balance but fall over again and again.
One day, in the middle of practicing, there was a big bead of sweat hit on my mat where in between my hands
When I looked closely into the bead that I saw my self-image in there, I was stunned as if time and space suspend.
At that moment My attention spread from the periphery back to a single point. My Body sensation becomes vivid and sharp then I decided to hop on again. turned out stopped in the handstand for a little while.
Richard said: The thought is part of Asana( posture)
Look again! Who is dwell in the eyes of eyes, the ear of ear ?
I think this is my answer of how to balance in handstand.

Today a friend of mine asked me a question about the Handstand pose that reminded me of my learning process.
Before, I was impatient and trying so hard to find the balance but fell over again and again.
One day, in the middle of practicing, there was a big bead of sweat hit my mat in between my hands
When I looked closely into the bead I saw my own reflection. I was stunned as if time and space were suspended.
At that moment my attention spread from the periphery back to a single point. My Body sensation became vivid and sharp, and I felt the sudden urge to try again. This time, I felt my body balance itself perfectly right at the peak of the pose. At that moment I found myself purely in the moment, observing myself with complete clarity. My original motivation seemed to come from the ego, and from my desire to overcome this challenge, but now in this moment I felt none of that, and was immersed in the pure consciousness of the present moment.

A friend posed a question to me about the process of learning to do the Handstand, and it brought me back to the time when I was tackling this beast myself – one which is well known among amateur Yoga enthusiasts as one of the more difficult.

When I began attempting the Handstand Asana, I was completely focused on balancing myself and gathering my courage with each try, falling repeatedly and picking myself up, eager to have another go.

On one hot, seemingly normal, summers day, I stepped onto my mat for my daily practice. Part of the way through my routine as I lost my balance and fell at my 5th or 6th attempt at the Handstand pose, I found myself on the mat, all but defeated. As I knelt, head down, taking a breath to collect myself, a single bead of sweat made its way down my forehead and onto the mat between my hands. As I gazed into the bead, my own reflection stared back at me, and I felt a wave of peace and focus wash over me, as though time and space were suspended in an instant.

At that moment my attention spread from my periphery back to a single point. My Body sensation became vivid and sharp, and I felt the sudden urge to try again. This time, I felt my body balance itself perfectly right at the peak of the pose. At that moment I found myself purely in the moment, observing myself with complete clarity. My original motivation seemed to come from the ego, and from my desire to overcome this challenge, but now in this moment I felt none of that, and was immersed in the pure consciousness of the present moment.

Richard said: The thought is part of Asana (posture)
Look again! Who dwells in the eye of eyes, the ear of ears?

practicing means to do sth over and over in the hope of improving your skill once you’ve learned the basic skills

learning means to go from no skill / knowledge to gaining a basic understanding

where = “and at that place” / “the place”
eg. I went to a place where you can buy yoga mats.
eg2. I know where you are.