VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


what i feel im lack ofwhat i feel i have a lack of is… / what i feel i am lacking is…. / what i feel i lack is….

vocabularies – vocabulary

im excited / im exciting 
im bored / im boring 
eg. I’m bored because this class is boring.

regarding toregarding ___
eg. regarding the phone call, what do you think about….?

mention about sthmention something 

discuss it / mention it 

talk about / have a conversation about / converse about 

on yesterday’s briefing during / in the briefing 

in the cities / in the country

daily / always / sometimes
eg. I have my daily coffee in the morning

to brief them on the situation

I have given them a call or a WhatsApp 

I have wechatted them / I have WhatsAppd them

3 or 22 or 3

advise = “ad veyezzz” = verb
advice = ad veyesss” = noun
eg. you gave me some good advice yesterday, i hope you can advise me on more things later

Writing exercise

Dear Rob,

Thank you for your support with the opening in Beijing and I hope you had a good trip in Thailand.

As per discussed, please find the attached an itinerary of Creditease’s VIP visit in London this week.

Below are their schedule for Berkeley projects.
– 14:00 – 16:30, 19 Sept at One Tower Bridge
– 16:00 – 17:00, 22 Sept at South Quay Plaza

Please kindly advise which date you would like to join the tour and how would you like to be involved.

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dear Rob,

Thank you for your support with the opening in Beijing and I hope you had a good trip in Thailand.

As per our discussion, please find attached the itinerary of Creditease’s VIP visit in London this week.

Below is their schedule for Berkeley projects.
– 14:00 – 16:30, 19 Sept at One Tower Bridge
– 16:00 – 17:00, 22 Sept at South Quay Plaza

In the event that you wish to join the tour, please advise which dates you are interested in attending and how you would like to be involved.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.