VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


when did you arrive? / how did you get here?

window shopping – looking at things without buying

sleep in / stay in bed for longer

men are all like that

regret – hou hui
eg. I regretted it because I didn’t like the look or feel
eg2. you have a nice look / I like the look of your hair

twist and ripĀ 


eg. your cousin is crocheting my hair


it takes / i spendĀ 

almost – bu dao
eg. I have almost 100 RMB in my wallet

mostly / most of the time / most
eg. most people are busy every day
eg2. I mostly teach English but sometimes I teach Chinese

before < > after
eg. I have been to Australia twice before = past
eg2. I will go to Australia after 1 year = futureĀ 

French / English / Japanese concessionĀ 

business developmentĀ – “biz ness develop ment”

cooperation / cooperate – operate together
eg. I would cooperate with other businesses


i will reply to you laterĀ 

go home / come here / go there

I did it 10 years ago and I had it for 3 months

He has been a hair dresser for 20 years

to do / to arrive / to comeĀ 

for – how long OR reason

I went to Japan by plane / I flew to Japan

fly / flew / flownĀ 

Speaking exercise

my cousin drive me here from my home. he go to my home first on foot, because the car at my apartment complex garage. it took 40 minutes to arrive here. Then we parking for back of your building.

my cousin drove me here from my home. he wentĀ to my home first on foot / he walked to my home first, because the car was at / in my apartment complex garage. it took 40 minutes to arrive /Ā getĀ here. Then we parked at theĀ back of your building.