VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Talk about one of your past jobs – what did you spend most of your time doing? What was good and bad about the job?


it’s mean is it means / it’s meaning is

what means what does it mean? / what do you mean? 

how to sayhow do you say? 

I don’t know how to say that word 

that timeat that time

i ask him, he say spring break in the US I asked him and he said there is a spring break in the US

my cousin who he living in the USmy cousin, who is living in the US, can speak Chinese…


same job but a different company 

shenme pardon / sorry?

semester (half a year) / term (a quarter / third)


describe – des crieb

business – pr – biz ness

very – pr
really – pr



Speaking exercise

before I am frequently visited many shipyard in china because my job is provided to shipyard, so at that time I had visited many shipyard some times 4 or 5 times 1 week so every day had to fly to long distant, and I drank a lot of chinese alcohol especially north of china people likes drink alcohol, so that is very hard to me and unhealthy. Now i stop to drink alcohol. and we almost time we are meeting about how to install workpanel and ceiling panel for accommodation in ships and we brought design (pr) concept and show them and briefing (pr).

before I frequently visited many shipyards in china because my job is to provide products to shipyards, so at that time I had visited many shipyards sometimes I visited 4 or 5 times per / a week so every time I had to fly a long distance, and I drank a lot of chinese alcohol especially in the north of china, people like to drink alcohol, so that was very hard for me and unhealthy too. Now i have stopped drinking alcohol. and we almost all of the time we were meeting about how to install wallpanels and ceiling panels for accommodation in ships and we brought design concepts and showed them and briefed them on it.