VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Speaking exercise

before I had kids, I didn’t feel good but now i have kids, the feeling is better than before. So now I have a big family and my wife is also feeling good / my wife also feels good. She thinks the girl is better than the boys because she wanted girls. The older one is more sociable than the others and he is lovely, and happy, and he likes to talk to people / others. 


person = 1
people = 2+

don’t touch another persons‘ things – don’t touch other people’s things

another = one other / one more
the other = one specific other
others = all of the other ones / any of the other ones
the others = more than 1 specific others

noun = how many?
verb = when? / time important? 

he is talking = now doing
he is happy = now / normal time / no time

often / sometimes / always / every day

I have already done it / I have done it already

I often do it / I do it often

2pm / yesterday / last week / last year / tomorrow

at 2pm I went to work / I went to work at 2pm 

last year I traveled to Australia / I traveled to Australia last year 

Tomorrow I will go to work / I will go to Japan next week 

I didn’t feel good = He didn’t feel good

I don’t feel good = He doesn’t feel good

I’m not a girl = He isn’t a girl

I’m a boy = He is a boy

I’m a student so I go to school = no time

I’m going to school = now

I will go to school = future / I’m going to go to school = future