VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Speaking exercise

this is a specific interest for normal people cause my major is design and I have been drawing for maybe 7 years so I real like to make some creative photograph since I was a child, when I was a primary school student. Since I was a young girl I’d like to cut the photos of my relatives. The most interest thing is I cut my fathers head and my head and exchanged the place, and so there was a big head on the childrens body and a little head on the adults body. It was so funny to me and I showed the picture to my all the relatives and they said (pr) it’s so funny and scary. Until recently, I still like make some funny and strange picture and put them to my wechat but my mum said it’s so scared and it would be make other one think i’m a freak so she suggested I shouldn’t do that again.

this is a unusual / weird / odd / strange interest for normal people but cause my major is design and I have been drawing for maybe 7 years so I really like to create images. Since I was a child, from when I was a primary school student, I have liked to cut / edit the photos of my relatives. The most interesting thing is once I cut my fathers head and my head off and exchanged their places / switched them, so there was a big head on the child’s body and a little head on the adult’s body. It was so funny to me and / so I showed the picture to all of my relatives and they said it was so funny and scary. Up to now, I still like making some funny and strange pictures and posting them on my wechat but my mum said it’s so scary and it would make others think i’m a freak so she suggested I not / don’t do that again. / she said I shouldn’t do that again.


strange = “straynj

create images = “cree ayt im i jez

relatives = “REL a tivz

reality = “ree AL i tee

said = “sed
says = “sez
say = “say


I did / I have done / I have been doing
I was happy / I have been happy / I have been happy

post / posted / have posted


I’m scared because the dog is scary 

until recently …. = I used to do it and I stopped recently
up to now / even now = I still do it

selfie = a photo of yourself
eg. the girl is sitting at the cafe taking selfies

subjective (based on opinion) < > objective (based on fact)
eg. that’s subjective so you can’t argue with it!
eg2. that is an objective statement