VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Use the vocabulary from today to write a story: focus on PLURAL, past tense, try to use which more.

Speaking exercise

when I first went to university my mum sent me to the dorm / dormitory and when we came into the room i found my roommate there were do all the thing by themself but I’m not, I just sat here and looked my mum, she can handle all the thing for me, so I feel I am a weird woman. actually i can do that but sometimes if my mum stay with me, i will just look at her.

when I first got to university my mum took me to the dorm / dormitory and when we walked into the room i found my roommates were doing everything by themselves but I wasn’t. I just sat there and looked at my mum, because she could handle everything for me, so I thought I was a weird girl / a weirdo. Actually i could do that but sometimes if my mum stayed with me, i would just look at her.


made by + thing / way
eg. noodles are made by hand in some Chinese hot pot restaurants
eg2. noodles are made by adding flour with eggs and throwing the noodles around
made with + ingredient
eg. noodles are made with flour and eggs

plural (“s”) < > singular (no “s”)

look at sb
talk to sb / talk at sb / talk with sb
play with sb
hug sb

i walked in and they were doing things
i was sitting there watching her
i just sat there watching her

should to wear more – should wear more 


clothes – cloe thhzzz


province – shen

looking forward to sth? no I’m not / yes I am 

sleeve – the arm part of your shirt / jacket

fashionable (adj)
eg. I don’t think that winter clothing is very fashionable

requirement (n)
eg. I don’t have that requirement

thermal underwear – mian mao ku / shan

thermos – re shui bei
