VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Next Class Focus

Do speaking about simple topics (what did you do today, what will you do later, what is your favourite ____?) Focus on sentence structure using prepositions and conjunctions.

Making Sentences

[ Main Idea + Details ] ___CONJUNCTION___ [ Main Idea + Details ]

[ I come to Smart English + to study English + with Jesse ]__BECAUSE __[ I think English is important + for me + to improve myself. ]

[ Main Idea ] = [ TIME + SUBJECT + VERB + OBJECT + TIME ]

[ Yesterday, Jesse went to Australia ] / [ Jesse went to Australia yesterday ]

[ Details ] = To study / For English / With Judy / At 5PM / By myself / At Smart English

Needs more review

lipstick – kou hong

afterward < > beforehand 
eg. I have class now and I will go home afterward.
after < > before
near / nearby 

colleague = col leeg (tong shi)
college = col lij (da xue)



at time 5pm

on Monday

in year / month / morning (period) / Shanghai

in / at Starbucks

morning – 8 hours
afternoon – 5 hours
evening – 5 hours

at night


capital letter = big letter
lower case letter = small letter

Aquarius – shui ping zuo
eg. my star sign is Aquarius

my star sign and your star sign go together

I don’t know – I didn’t know

technique – the way you do sth

efficient – you xiao de
eg. I think using machines at the gym is more efficient

always / often / sometimes

Speaking exercise

This morning I go to gym to exercise for 1 hour. This time a trainer help me to do the corrected dong zuo and how to use these machine. I think this exercise is very important for me which is more efficient because many times before just only myself pao bu, use the machine but perhaps I don’t know how to use this so I use the machine wrong.

This morning I went to gym to exercise for 1 hour. This time a trainer helped me to do the right technique and how to use these machines. I think this exercise is very important for me because it is more efficient because many times before I ran by myself and I used the machine but perhaps I didn’t know how to use it so I used the machine the wrong way.

and, or, but, so, because, if, when, where, who, which 

When I finish class I will go to xin jia road to Ya Ma HA music room to study music with my daughter for 1 hour and afterwards we all will go to home to have dinner. Tonight, I have a plan that we will review our English homework when she was sleep about at 9 o’clock I want to go outside to think about something. Perhaps I will go out to have fun.

Me and Michelle talk about her daughter.