VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Write a story about what you did today after class and look at the notes and try to use the grammar and words from today.

Speaking exercise

I’m cooking in my home. I put meat and salt in the soup. My husband said it is very good. I have cooked for 1 hour. After, I read a Chinese book for half an hour about a woman and her life in Japan. In 11 o’clock I’m listen to the music because it can help me sleep quickly. I’m wake up at 8 o’clock with my husband to clean my room, wash my hair and brush it for 2 hours.

I cooked at home. I put meat and salt in some soup. My husband said it was very good. I cooked for 1 hour. After, I read a Chinese book for half an hour about a woman and her life in Japan. At 11 o’clock I listened to some music / the radio because it can help me sleep quickly. I woke up at 8 o’clock with my husband to clean my room, wash my hair and brush it for 2 hours.


At time – point / short
On day – longer (day + weekend)
In month / year (longest + period)

the soup / soup

the = this / that
a = any

at home / at work / at school
go home / go to work / go to school

I am / I’m = wo shi / wo zai (wo zai zuo / zai di fang)
My = wo de
I / me = wo

I am running
I am here
I am Jesse
I am happy

I work at SE

I listened to music so I slept quickly

because = reason (yuan ying)
and = keep the subject or the verb or both
so = suo yi
but = dan shi
when = dang / de shi hou
if = ru guo

I like tea and love coffee
I like tea and coffee
I like tea and you like coffee

I have traveled to Japan
I have class every day
I have a student

I travel every day / sometimes / often / never / always – time is not important
I traveled – past – which time is important
I have traveled – past – which time is not important

I have class for 1 hour


Very interesting
Not very interesting

A lot of money
Some money
Don’t have much / Not much money / Don’t have a lot 

diary – ri ji
eg. I will write a diary every day to practice my English.

half an hour = 30 minutes
1.5 hours – an hour and a half = 1 and a half hours