VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Speaking exercise

i was a supervisor and usually for the almost the end of the project i came to the site for the furniture installation. that guy works with the local workers together to install all the furnitures. and i just came to the site time to time to check the quality, not really to stay there.

i was a supervisor and usually when it was almost the end / during the end stage of the project i went to the site for the furniture installation. that guy works with the local workers to install all the furniture. and i just went to the site from time to time to check the quality, but not really to stay there.


i went to japan with you together – DON’T USE TOGETHER HERE
we went to japan last year together

from time to time
eg. I have a coffee from time to time, but not every day

it is good value – the price is worth the product

valuable – worth a lot of money

i grew up / was raised in the countryside


logistic – transport


it had been hold on – it had been on hold 

3 projects go on together – 3 projects are going on together / 3 projects are ongoing together 

i was interviewed for the HRby HR / by the HR manager 

she was interesting aboutshe was interested in it / she thought it was interestingÂ