VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Review the words and use them in some writing – a story


eg. I pay tax in Shanghai so I can only get a Shanghai licence plate

other city’s 

licence plate – che pai

manual < > automatic

male friends / guy friends < > female friends / girl friends 

go from A to B – go places

independent – can do things by yourself
eg. if I have a car, I am more independent

park (v) / parking (n)
eg. I don’t want to park

bus stop / bus terminal 

metro / subway – di tie

major – 专业;主课
eg. my major was Education = teacher
eg2. my major was Medicine = doctor
eg3. I majored in Dentistry = dentist
eg4. I majored in Law = lawyer

i don’t mean to say it = accidentally do it


come (the place you are at now) / go (another place)

have done
Cissy has studied at SE for a few weeks

had done 
Jesse arrived at 2PM. Cissy had arrived already.
Cissy had waited for 5 minutes, before Jesse arrived.

Cissy started at SE 2 weeks ago

Speaking exercise

my friend came to Shanghai last week and we several friends have a date, we hadn’t seen her for several years and it was so happy for several old friends to have a date and we are all different than before. We talked about for the family, children, and for herself working because we are all doctor so the work is the same.

my friend came to Shanghai last week and several of us had a date, we hadn’t seen her for several years and it was so happy for several old friends to have a date / go out together / get together and we are all different than before. We talked about our families, children, and about jobs / work because we are all doctors so our work is the same.