VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Needs more review

patient – nai xin

intermediate – middle level
advanced – high level


charity – ci shan
eg. I work for a charity so I am a good person because I help people

advertising / advertisement – guang gao
eg. I have seen some advertising on the road

system – xi tong
eg. The elevator has a system to make it move up and down

assistant – zhu shou
eg. Jesse’s assistant helps him to book students

schedule (n) – shi jian an pai biao
eg. Jesse’s schedule is very busy

client – ke hu
eg. Angela is Smart English’s client – she is very nice

contact – lian xi
eg. I will contact you later and tell you what time we can meet

nervous – jin zhang

Speaking exercise

The first time i came to Smart English i talked to jesse about my favourite food i told jesse my favourite food is pasta, coke and juice and nothing else. I introduced pasta to him, and i said in pasta there is tomato pasta sauce and meat sauce and pasta. I like pasta because it is warm and the noodles are long like snakes and I can eat it for 20 minutes and it makes me full. I was very nervous but we talked about the food and I’m not nervous, I became excited.