VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Write questions for these statements:

1 I’m spending a lot of time practicing yoga.

2 There are many things associated with having a good yoga technique, including the ability to….

3 I have been affected by my experience learning with Richard in a really positive way.

4 I would describe myself as positive, honest, and down to earth

i phone to my friend


Recently I studied with…. As a result of my recent experience studying with ______,

Chef / Yoga Practitioner


Praise Sandwich

Firstly I just wanted to say that your bio looks really cool, especially the fact that you mentioned the chef experience and studying Indian philosophy as I think that works really well with the ideas and feeling of yoga. I just have a few ideas that I think could bring out your personality a little more and help students and the studio to get to know you a bit better.

So here are some questions I have for you.

  1. With a background in / Having a background in culinary preparation
  2. Having been a chef, especially after starting to practice yoga, have you noticed any difference in the way you cook and prepare ingredients?
  3. What would you say your core message is that you want to pass down to your students?
  4. I feel that you are a genuine, generous and kind person, what are some ways that you would use to describe yourself?
  5. How has your experience studying with Richard and Ty recently impacted or enriched your teaching and practicing of yoga?

She has been wholeheartedly focusing on yoga for over 17 years especially. over the past 10 years she has continued to study with Richard Freeman closely. That is precious and respected experience most yoga practitioners are longing for. She has fully concentrated on this, with her passion enduring through the years.

fitness / sought after / highly respected