VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


got a sickgot sick

+y = adjective


fix / set – to make something permanent (gu ding) / not move / not change

he set the bike down – he placed it / put it down carefully

confront – to look at sth / sb directly and say sth / fix a problem
eg. I confronted my colleague after he said I was fat.
eg2. I confronted my fear of spiders by watching a spider movie

learn / found out
eg. I found out that Jesse is a twin! Wow!

sneaky – to try to hide things / walk quietly so no one can hear or see you

show up – to suddenly arrive / feels unplanned
eg. Echo showed up today 15 minutes early!

garage – chu ku

blade – the sharp part of a knife / sword + the part of the fan that spins

gamble / gambling – to try to win money by using money in a game

eg. I went to the casino to play poker but gambling is bad so my friend confronted me

make up = to say sth not true (story / name / thing)
eg. you shouldn’t make up stories because it’s lying and could hurt people

make up = to fix a problem between 2 people so you’re both not unhappy with each other anymore
eg. we had a fight but we made up

stack – to place things on top of other things (high)

retired – to finish working at 60 + years old

credits roll / roll the credits – when the names of the people at the start / end of the movie begin to be displayed

convince – to make you understand / believe sth
eg. I convinced my boss to let me have 2 days off

grocery store / supermarket – da mai chang
eg. i went to a grocery store to get some groceries