VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use words from today in some writing.


i read some article talked about Australia – I read an article which was about Australia

yesterday is the final show – yesterday was the final / Yesterday, which was the final, was really good.

in this 11 girls – out of these 100 girls, 11 were chosen

we give them 2-3 design styles to choose from

to communication to communicate

the next step


vote – thumb up
eg. we can vote for our favourite girl

role / job – responsibility
eg. they each have their own role within the team

amateur < > professional
eg. they are amateur singers

for this style – based on / according to 

when they confirm one of themonce they have confirmed one of them

general < > specific

plan – outline – the timeline, the look, structure

render – maybe a 3d model of sth to show what it will look like

once, twice, 3 times, over and over. 

running joke / gag – a funny thing that everyone in a particular group will understand