VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


major part of the team

we don’t have too much in common / we have nothing in common / we don’t have anything in common

i don’t want to disappoint my aunt / i don’t want her to be disappointed  

it really dragged on
eg. the date dragged on and I felt like time was crawling

he works in IT 

CPU / computer chip 

i read something funny in the news 

ping pong bat

out of touch / clueless – weird and unaware of what is happening 
eg. he’s totally clueless!

racquet / racket – has holes in it

bat – solid

meet a new guy / make a new friend
eg. my auntie just wants me to make some new friends

feminine (female) < > masculine (male)
eg. feminine guys are often seen as being gay

impolite = rude
eg. that’s a bit impolite!

come out of the closet / come out 
eg. when did you come out to your friends and family?


i watched a newsi watched some newsÂ