VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the vocabulary from today in some writing. Also try to send me an email from work.


strict < > lenient
eg. i think my sister in law is too lenient with her son

parenting – the skill / act of being a parent
eg. i think parenting can be very difficult

when i was teenagewhen I was a teenager / during my teenage years / in my teens 

patience (n)
eg. I have a lot of patience when I teach

passion (n)

on the other side of the table / we’re opposite each other

if I was rich I would buy many cars
if I had a lot of money I could buy a house

appetite – wei kou
eg. i have a really big appetite at night

dizzy – tou yun
eg. i got dizzy because of the alcohol

i used to do it – i did it before but i don’t now
i am used to doing it / i am used to it – xi guan


when she talking on the phone – when she was talking on the phone 

if it rains tomorrow I will stay home