VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


chase you up – push you – put pressure on your – remind you 
eg. the clients will chase us up once their reports are due

check with you / follow up with you

get an update from you / update you / fill you in

catch up meeting / update meeting 
eg. let’s have a catch up meeting and i’ll catch you up on the last week / i’ll get you up to speed on the last week

the earlier the better / the hotter the more comfortable 

asap / at your earliest convenience 

on the 15 – th

take the contact with the clientliaise / make contact with / keep in contact with 

desire – too warm 

meet their demands / meet their needs / be up to their standards 

bare minimum
eg. some workers just do the bare minimum

think outside the square / box 

located in / situated in / based out of 

on the ground – located in the actual area of business


come back to HK go back to HK 

I started speak English moreI started speaking English moreÂ