VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


staffs – 2 of my staff members are… / I have a lot of staff 

one of the guys who is working for me / one of my staff / a guy in my team – subordinates

i can / am able to / have the ability to

capability – more technically related to your ability / skills – things you can learn / abilities you were born with

innate – part of sth naturally

find the problems – identify 

complete the work in it’s entirety 

deal it professional – deal with it professionally

move it into such pathcareer path / area / field 

skill set – skills

in some extent – to some extent – to a certain point 


a debate i ever joineda debate i joined before 

it makes all of our classmates were very happy. it made all of our classmates happy 


R – touch your top teeth on your bottom lip, like a V, but don’t push or anything
eg. proud

currently – curren lee (very soft t)

don’t – pronounce T too strongly
eg. don’t do that

actually – “ak cheh lee”

choose only to be – “to” too strong

it’s too hot = tooo 
i want to be = teh 

took it – tool kit 

absolutely – pronounce it slower 

early – “er lee”

manager – “jer” – just open, don’t use lips