VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

the chair has some give in it < > the chair is rigid and solid

to get some insight 

storyboard – the plan for a video (pictures, scenes)

dialogue – the speaking in a video
lyrics – ge ci

who drew this picture? – this picture was drawn by who? – who did this picture?

draw – drawing – pencil / pen
paint – painting – oil / paint / water color
take / shoot – photo
shoot / take – video

shade – the light to dark / differing strength of colors of a picture (painting / drawing)
eg. the shading on my jacket was done with black and grey paint

sophisticated < > unsophisticated > brute 

simple < > complicated 

simpleton (n)
eg. he’s a simpleton – he has a simple mind, and thinks about very few things in a complex way

sanctions – financial punishments 
eg. Trump brought sanctions against China

softened his tone – make his communication / speech softer rather than aggressive

take the heat off himself

reconcile – to make the fight / strained relationships better again

Syria – country

manipulate – to control sth / sb for your own gain
eg. Trump is really good at manipulating the media and public opinion