VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Read “The Leopard and the Sky god”

words from the book: drum, forest, wonderful, heard, leaned, loud, shook / shake your head, hunting, what’s the matter, as usual, growled, sharp claws, slithered, roared, wait and see, shell, enormous, spotted, clapped, lid, roll sth,


can / can’t – neng / bu neng
eg. I can’t play games today because I was bad

organ – a part of your body (inside)
eg. your stomach is one of your biggest organs

snake skin – pi fu – the outside of a snake
eg. he wears snake skin and it looks good

homeless – a person with no home
eg. the man is homeless and he sleeps on the street

traveler – someone who travels a lot
eg. the travelers sometimes eat snake when they are traveling

password – mi ma
eg. i don’t know the password for Jesse’s phone

take a video
eg. Yoyo wanted to take a video of herself

share – to give other people your things to use
eg. Yoyo shared her drink with Jesse so Jesse was very happy