VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the words from today and review the grammar and try to use it in some writing.

Recycled LEGO houses

Lego is my favourite toy to play with at home. I think it is very interesting and fun because it can make me think. One of the biggest problems in the world is poor people without enough money to buy a house. I want to fix this problem, using lego. My invention is lego, made from recycled garbage. Instead of throwing away our garbage, we could turn it into big blocks of lego, and send them to places that need houses. Each block could connect together and would be very strong, light, and also very cheap. We could send the blocks to the poor people with instructions to help them build their house. I think children would also like to help their parents build the house, because we all love lego!


paragraph / passage

speech / presentation
eg. Lucas has to give a presentation about inventions so Jesse must write the speech

poor < > rich 

Poor Cicilia = ke lian de

instructions – shuo ming shu
eg. Lucas doesn’t need to follow the instructions when he plays with lego

turn into – become

instead of / rather than – dai ti
eg. today I will have coffee instead of tea.
eg2. today I will replace coffee with tea.

Using lego is the best way to fix this problem
Using lego to build a house is my invention / I want to use lego to build a house. This is my invention.

fix – things
correct – language / idea

I do not have any money = I am without money
I have a phone. My phone does not have a case. = I have a phone with no case = I have a phone without a case.

one of the biggest = there are many big problems
the biggest = only talking about 1 problem

hit – any da / peng
punch – closed hand hit
slap – open hand hit
eg. you hit my car! you must pay for it…
eg2. If a girl slap me, I will slap her back
eg3. Lucas punched another boy and the teacher was so angry

painkiller – stop pain medicine

have a meeting – hui yi
– mian shi

efficient – it is fast / it can finish quickly

effective – useful / you can do a lot with it

suitable – good for sth

When did you first do it? I first did it 2 years ago
How long does it take? it takes 1 hour
How often do you do it? I do it 3 times a year

eat less < > eat more  


This is my favourite school to study English at.
You are my favourite student to talk to.

I teach you.
I talk to you

I have been to many places in Asia, including Thailand and Malaysia

If I hit your head then it would be sore / it would hurt

I am looking forward to my studio becoming better

I look forward to my studio becoming better

I always think about the time that my studio is better.

If my studio becomes better, I will be happy


stomach – stom ack