VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Tropic Thunder


blurt – to suddenly say something maybe by accident
eg. he blurted out the secret

storm off / storm away – walk off annoyed / angry

lead – like evidence but not necessarily physical

should you choose to stay late, I have time, so it’s fine. = if you choose…  / in the event that you choose

regurgitate – similar to throw up but before the food has been digested

annoying / frustrating / infuriating

fury – anger

defy / defiant
eg. when my son defies my orders I get angry

snare – catch in a trap

converge / merge – to move from apart to together
eg. the zombies converged on them

makeshift – a temporary and hand-made solution

delusional / illusion – crazy and thinking things that aren’t real or accurate

catatonic – asleep / like a zombie

opt – chooses
eg. I opted for the black iphone rather than red

lamenting – annoyed and depressed

goad – torment
eg. i goaded the zombie into attacking me