VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Back in the day I was really into reading Japanese comic books. When I was at high school, I collected many comic books of my favourite artist, and I even drew pictures by imitating the artist’s painting style. It might be one of the reasons I chose industrial design as my major at college, for drawing something in your mind was very cheerful experience. Since it took too much time to paint, I gradually gave up on painting after my graduation. But painting and designing things is still my hobby and I wish I could go abroad to take design courses in the future, maybe it will be Japan or some European countries like France, Italy or Holland.

Back in the day I was really into reading Japanese comic books. When I was at high school, I collected many comic books of my favourite artist, and I even drew pictures by imitating the artist’s painting style. It might be one of the reasons I chose industrial design as my major at college, for drawing something in your mind was a very cheerful experience. Since it took too much time to paint, I gradually gave up on painting after my graduation. However, painting and design is still my hobby and I wish I could go abroad to take design courses in the future, and maybe it will be Japan or some European countries like France, Italy or Holland.

Back in the day / back in my teens / during my adolescent years / when I was growing up I was really into / I was addicted to / crazy about / a huge fan of / really keen on reading Japanese comic books. When I was at high school / was a high school student / in my HS years, I collected many comic books of my favourite artist, and I even drew pictures by imitating the artist’s painting style. It might be / it’s probably / it’s possibly / it’s likely to be / there’s a chance that / I have a feeling that it’s one of the reasons I chose / took / elected / picked (I majored in) industrial design as my major at college, for / due to the fact that drawing something from my mind / imagination / thoughts was a very cheerful / quite joyful / was such a exciting / an incredibly positive / an ecstatic experience. Since it took too much time / took ages / took tons of time / took way too much time to paint, I gradually gave up on / I reduced the frequency, over a period of time, of painting after my graduation / I left college / after Uni. However, painting and design is still my hobby and I wish I could / it is my desire (wish) to / it is a goal of mine to go abroad / overseas / to a foreign country to take design courses / to further my studies in design in the future / someday / in the coming years / in the near future, and maybe it will be Japan or some European countries like France, Italy or Holland.

reading Japanese comic books was one of my hobbies / was a hobby of mine