VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Review and use the words from the last 3 classes in some writing.


island – “eye land”


time flies! – time goes very fast

firstly / secondly / thirdly

inexpensive / cheap / not expensive

discount / cheaper price / special deal 

scarf – wei jin

art / artist
science / scientist
style / stylist

teach / teacher
swim / swimmer
learn / learner

whatever – sui bian / dou ke yi / bu guan
eg. Whatever we do is OK
eg2. Do you want coffee or tea? Whatever…
eg3. You can go whenever you want.

basically – ji ben shang
we are basically the same

we are similar

I basically do the same thing every day

i bought some clothing / clothes

go shopping / go drinking / go running = chu qu zuo shi qing

stuff – dong xi


there is be quiet it is quiet there