VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review




there was a car crash / car accident on this road

these days 

it’s not that bad
it’s not as bad as before

interesting – makes you think

expression / saying – like cheng yu

apartment complex 

stop sth from happening

to give birth to a baby


my apartment complex is an old complex so it doesn’t have new construction because my complex is located at a good place so many new building are constructed beside my complex. it is dusty these days.

there is dusty it is dusty (there) in the building behind my complex < > It isn’t dusty there

there have – there are many people in China / There is a cup on the table < > there aren’t many people / There isn’t a cup

I have money < > I don’t have many

describe a location having sth – there is / there are < > there isn’t / there aren’t 

describe sb owning sth / part of sth – i have / it has < > i don’t have / it doesn’t haveÂ