VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


have sth to eat 

large cycle of the schedulevariety of places

the mood is different the feeling is different 

mood = happy / unhappy / good / bad / bored / excited …

pressed for time – you have pressure because of the time
eg. I’m pressed for time at the moment so we don’t have time to have lunch together

get settled – to relax and feel like you can enjoy yourself without worrying etc
eg. I like to travel to a place and get settled there rather than always be pressed for time

travel as an escape 

get / be back to work

stranded – stuck / can’t leave
eg. if I was stranded on an island I would hope that I had my friends


i’m the people who want to go or a more longer staythe kind of person who wants…

when i was travel with my friends when I traveled / was traveling / was on a trip 

i can go to any place i like to do I can go to any place (that) I want

with sth being
I like many different kinds of drinks with whiskey and coffee being my favourite.

Vian went to Europe last year, with Spain being her last stop.

With Jesse being Vian’s teacher, she can improve her English very quickly.

With the weather being like this, we can’t go out at all.

With many cars driving on the road, we better take the metro.

With the roads being so busy, it’s much better to take the metro.

I would get really annoyed, and not knowing how long they will be is the thing that annoys me most.

I would get really annoyed, with not knowing how long they will be being the thing that annoys me most.

With my friends always making me wait for them, I hate going out with them