VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


sth does your head in – makes you feel a bit confused and crazy 

mindf*ck / headf*ck 
eg. this episode is a bit of a mindf…

wonky – not straight / a bit weird
eg. I feel a bit wonky when I drink too much

fling – a short term, unimportant relationship 

off the top of your head – without thinking too much
eg. off the top of your head can you think of my cats name?

call it a night – finish the night, go home

let’s call it there – let’s finish

queue up a list of songs

clam up – to stop talking and get quiet and shy
eg. some people clam up in groups

downplay – make sth seem less important than it actually was

fudge sth – change the details to be less accurate
eg. I fudged my date of birth on the forms