VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the vocabulary from today in some writing. Review!!


blanket – bei zi
eg. I don’t like to share my blanket with anyone

tossing and turning – turning when you are trying to sleep

fall asleep < > wake up
eg. it takes me about 5 minutes to fall asleep

insomnia – a condition that makes it very hard to sleep
eg. if you have insomnia you will be very tired all the time

alarm – nao zhong

she studied tired – she studied very hard
eg. she studies so hard for her maths exams but she didn’t do very well in the test.

snore – da han

earplugs – er san
eg. I don’t like wearing earplugs because they’re uncomfortable

air (breathing) – yang qi

fix – gai zheng / xiu
eg. I need to fix the problem with my computer

serious < > minor
eg. I have a serious headache / really bad headache

maths tutor – a teacher that teaches you 1-on-1 and maybe comes to your house

mother in law – your husband’s mum

heart condition
eg. your father in law has a heart condition so he can’t travel by plane

fly / take a plane / travel by plane

1 week he come my home 3 or 4 days – He comes to my house 3 or 4 days a week

our relationship is OK – my relationship with her is OK

prices – jia ge

cavity – hole in your teeth

braces – jiao zhen qi
eg. she has had braces for 2 months and now she has cavities in her front teeth

dentist – ya yi

vet – animal doctor